Trace Creek Quilting 2023 Recap
TCQ continued to have some wonderful successes in 2023 and before we get too far into the new year we would like to share some of those fun numbers with those of you who made all of that possible. We are truly lucky to be able to continue to welcome new customers, work on absolutely spectacular quilts and grow in staff, services, and creative solutions. Read on as we share YOUR numbers that have lead to another quilt filled year at Trace Creek Quilting.
Quilts Quilted
A grand total of 1,441 quilts came into the studio this year which is fairly consistent, just a tad bit up, from the 1394 from 2022. Within those, we had the pleasure of welcoming 250 new customers, bringing our current client list to 928 cumulative customers over the years.
It is truly humbling to work with so many of you and so many of your quilts. We know just how much work goes into each and every one. We do our best to honor that with our best efforts and love so much your trust, grace, and support.
Favorite Pantographs
We had a two way tie for first: Rosemary and Saffron Blossom. These are total classics in my book and I’m glad you all agree! Coming in in third was Ginger Snap, one of our favorite go tos when you all let us pick. For 4th and 5th we have another tie of Almost Plaid and Straight Lines. I love that one of these has a more traditional feel and the other a more modern vibe, yet both are very versatile and look great on any quilt. You guys have great taste and I’m so pleased at your selections!
Geographic Diversity
This year, our quilting clientele spanned across 48 states, up from 47 in 2022! We picked up Hawaii which we didn’t have last year and I’ve got my eye on those last two holdouts, West Virginia and Wyoming, for 2024. That would be the full 50! I don’t want to leave out the other great places that sent us quilts this year - in addition to the 48 states we saw projects from Washington DC, 2 providences in Canada, Germany, and Hong Kong!! What an amazing reach TCQ had this year!
Instagram Favorites
You’ve told us exactly what you want to see from TCQ by liking, commenting, and sharing on Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so very much for helping spread the word about our work! Here are some of our most popular images. Check out our IG feed here for more of our content we think you are sure to enjoy.
A Tapestry of Square Inches
If we laid out all the quilts you sent us in 2023, side by side, with no gaps, we would cover over an acre of land. 6,551,150 square inches to be exact! The largest of all these measures in at 108” x 118”, or 12,744 square inches. Wowza!! That’s a big quilt! These remarkable numbers represents a lot of love, time, and creativity you all have poured into your quilts and we are so honored to be a part of them.
Psst: This quilt pictured isn’t the biggest referenced above but it was really, really close!
Batting Selection
TCQ used 6,914 linear feet of batting this year. That’s also 2,305 linear yards, or as it seems most impressive to me - 77 giant rolls of batting, more than one a week. Notably, 89% of the batting customer selected was our cotton/bamboo blend and the remaining 11% was wool. I really love that we are able to offer these all natural and sustainable options and that so many of you are happy to utilize them. Together, however small it may seem, we are making a difference!
The Lengths of Binding
Want to know the lengths 25% of our customers will go to have us attach their binding? 7,999 feet, or a mile and a half - that’s the length of binding we did in 2023! This number makes me want to start some sort of marathon type event for sewing machines but I can’t quite imagine prepping a mile and a half’s worth of binding for any reason. I’d need some good volunteers…..
TCQ Writes Quilt Patterns
The launch of our very own quilt patterns marked a significant chapter in the Trace Creek Quilting story. First we offered a free pattern, Beach Party, as I got the hang of the process. Welcome Party came next as one that you all continue to purchase (thank you!!) Next, I was so fortunate to partner with Laura from Global Fiber for another free pattern. And as my last bit of creative work in 2023 I released Corner Booth, a pattern written from Alisa Galitsyna’s graphic design, Retro 70’s Color Palette II. If you missed any of them you can find more information on all of them here!
TCQ Offers Quilt Photography Services
We spend time most weeks taking beautiful photos of your quilts to display our work and services. We decide you might also like access to these services and in the summer of 2023 began offering quilt photography packages to the public. While the logistics were a tad bit rocky to start, the results have been killer and we are very happy this is out in the world. We hope you find an excuse to take advantage of it in 2024!
Whew! That’s a lot of wrap up! Clearly it was quite a year. As we step excitedly into 2024, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated team, families and the vibrant quilting community that makes these milestones possible. The numbers tell a story of creativity, dedication, and the joy of turning fabric into cherished works of art. Here's to another year of quilting adventures, each one adding it’s own beautiful mark on the TCQ family tree. Thank you so very, very much. Happy quilting in this happy new year!!
-Lilo and the TCQ Family