New, Discounted, and Refreshed Pantos
You walk into a fabric store, list in hand, blinders on, determination on your face, and head straight for the….. ooooooo-look at that fabric, it’s so pretty!! Yeah, that’s how I shop for pantographs. Lucky for you, it results in a pretty epic selection of quilting patterns for your quilt tops. Below you will find information on the pantos we’ve picked up over the past 6 months as well as a refreshed Favorites section and new Discounted pantos for when you are on a budget. Read on and Enjoy!!
I hope you enjoy looking through the pantographs as much as I love purchasing them! If not, just write ‘TCQ Pick’ on your order form and I’ll be sure to pick just the right one for your next quilt. Thanks so much and happy quilting, my friends! 🧵✨