Carpe Diem, Eudaimonia Studios

A New Partnership!!

Man, oh, man! This quilting community is absolutely amazing and it blows my mind the folks who I get to meet and work with in it. If you don’t know her yet, please take the time to get to know Brooke and the stunning patterns from Eudaimonia Studios. This is the first time I’ve gotten to work with Brooke and by no means will it be the last.

We are so pleased to add her and her most recent Carpe Diem quilt pattern into our group of special discounts. You know the drill - 25% off longarming for all Carpe Diem quilts now through May 15th.

Every single one of the quilts pictured are AMAZING in person. Use them as inspiration or just cut to the chase and buy kits for all of the quilts here from Global Fiber! The pantos we used are Rosemary for the orange quilt, Tulip Bud on the multicolored one, and Vinery with the white background.

Click on the order form button to get started - it’s will be the link with the most helpful information whether you are just starting out with us or have sent us 6 quilts already this year. If you have more questions or need further information just head all the way out to the Trace Creek Quilting homepage and find the link that is most helpful. Don’t forget to look over the fine print of our discounts and offers if you are not familiar with it. And as always, don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns - we love hearing from you!

We can’t wait to work with you!

-Lilo and the TCQ Team


Quilt Prep: Square Backings


Hester, Penelope Handmade